Finally Finished a Project -- Camera Strap
Months ago I found a site online that had a tutorial for a camera strap cover. I printed it out with the intention of making it very soon. Well several months have past, but as part of my New Years goals, I decided to start AND finish a project I've been wanting to do. Below are the results.
Anyone who owns a DSLR camera knows that the straps that come with the camera can be extremely uncomfortable around your neck. You can purchase straps online all over the place, but the idea of taking a couple of hours and material that I already had to make my own was more appealing.
I decided to use the same material that I used for my daughter's fifth birthday last year.
(Note: The picture makes the fabric look a little weird, but it's hot pink.)
After cutting and ironing, it was time to sew. I don't sew often so I'm not very good at it, but it's just straight lines. Can't be hard, right?
So I can mark one more thing off my "To Do" list! The next item I want to make with the sewing machine is a baby blanket for a dear friend who is due in March. I found it on one of my favorite websites -- -- and it's supposed to be simple! We shall see!
If you are interested in making this camera strap cover, you can find the tutorial right here courtesy of
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