New Year, Blog More

I swore to myself that when the new year came, I would make a very concious effort to blog more. I had every intention of making good on that "resolution" beginning on January 1, however, life had other plans. The kids and I traveled up to Lincoln for our Christmas with my mom, brother, and his family, but Friday night both my 4 year old daughter and I came down with the stomach flu. We spent most of the weekend laying around groaning, while my wonderful mother took care of my 9 month old son. So unfortunately, we weren't able to celebrate Christmas with my nieces and nephews, but Emily loved the presents she received from Gramma.

And the fun wasn't saved for just Emily and I. Saturday night, while we were on the mend, my husband became the third victim of the stomach flu and spent most of Sunday asleep on the couch. The kids and I avoided him and stayed in Lincoln on Monday, and I've spent most of the evening washing all the sheets, wiping the toys and remotes down with Lysol wipes, and spraying the furniture with Lysol. Now that's how you spend an evening!

And now I sit here, about ready to head to bed. Unfortunately, all I can do is stare at the Christmas tree and dread putting it all away. I hate the process, but I'm SO ready to reclaim my living room and get the tree outta here. Maybe I'll wait and do it on Wednesday. I hope to be working, but we are expecting yet another snow event, so depending on the timing of the snow I will either take a day off or leave early. So maybe the tree will come down Wednesday. Or maybe this weekend. Whatever.

So here is the exciting first blog of 2010. Don't let the excitement scare you away from coming back for the next blog! And by you I Well. I guess me. Or are there more of you????


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